I was recently assigned the very frustrating task of “ pleasing” our Korean Client last week.
No not the sexual type of pleasing you perverted green heads
We had a $1M project due in days and he flew all over from Seoul to make sure that the project which I call “ Weapon of Mass Destruction” would be finished on due time.
However being alone and with limited English, and less the usual kimchi meals he is used of, we often feel sorry for Mr. Lim especially after he forgot to bring his roaming cell charger and his phone died.
For some reason my managers though I was the Wikipedia of lost causes. Finding a Korean charger for our client just to keep him happy became my task. So at 8pm at night I ran to the ONLY Korean supermarket I knew of and lo and behold the owner has the charger ( he cells phones too). To boot I got him some Polyethylene cakes ( Chemical induced Chocolate squares), Aloe tea and a Korean newspaper. That kept him very happy. Not to mention I did a crash course on my Korean language though I can only say perfectly Good Morning, Yes and Good Bye in perfect diction. Making sure that I didn’t slip by speaking in either Japanese or Chinese to him.
As I was browsing though all the crap I had this week, and the latent blood pressure rise do to my Mod issues I finally got a set date for the Ragnaboards Mod Screening. Set on March 14 at the Level Up office.
As I was finishing up on making the acceptance letters to the lucky screenies I realized that March 14 is also White Day. A Japanese love holiday where Guys give Chocolates to the girls whilst February 14 it’s the girls that give Chocolates to the guys.
I laughed to myself since on all God given Holidays its Valentines day I hate the most. Though I wish I had a small window to the past to find my old gradeshcool sweetheart and told him I really, really liked him ( at the ripe age of 8) and give him that tattered Heart card made of construction paper.
I mused over the fact too bad that our culture does not have a so~so
In my case if that were to happen to me, Mr. Crush would meet Mr. Mallet smacking right at his face after he says “ No Thanks.”