Sometimes there are just things that will make you wanna hit your head in a brick wall. And hope you wake up some logic into yourself
You ask yourself
" Why did you do it."
I barely post bragging rights to my life
There are however a few things i have done that Im happy off
Im proud to say Im part of the team that did Shadow of the Colossus
Im proud to say HELL YEAH! I worked for Sony Playstation
But more proud and also embarassing to say I 2x turned down an offer to work for Sony Everquest and Final Fantasy series
and now I want to hit my head
I TURNED DOWN a possible offer for the creators of the Mortal Combat series
Location was why. these game makers put thier corporations on these hard to drive places out of nowhere. The latter being a batcage of sorts ( yes like that of Batman- well hidden)
I was reading sir Carlo Oples blog on the Blizzard thing. Back in 2006 I actually passed an application for Blizzard as a joke but 2 weeks later I got a reply letter of putting me in consideration for the application.
I remeber screaming. Im a fan of Diablo. Not of starcraft though. However I counldt pass the preliminary
I cant drive thousands of miles... just for work everyday
So now. Im hitting my head with a brick. Another dream job offer I have to let go