My thoughts On the Rolando Mendoza Hong Kong Bus Siege.
It riles me up on the injustice and senseless violence this man has cause to us many Filipinos.
As a man who was once a decorated Police officer back in his day. He knew the in's and outs of the PNP procedures for hostage situations and the dirty politics behind it.
I understand him for his grievance as of any man losing his job giving the above circumstances.
But I DO BLAME him for the trauma and grief he has caused not only to the 8 HK tourist on that fated tourist bus, their families but also to Filipinos in Taiwan and Hong Kong that even before this tragedy, our OFW's domestic workers are viewed as the lowest classes the majority of their employers and now are subjected to magnified discrimination and harm.
Rolando Mendoza, delivered a well calculated point when he took over that bus and shot his victims. Knowing there would be no easy way out of his predicament, jobless, desperate, depressed and angry. At the same time no financial salvation from already a distressed economy and an equally shady justice system.
Rolando in the back of his head decided since he is going down, he will take the Filipino world with him. And that he did as he pulled the trigger on his victims. A well planned and cruel calculated move.
Each day as I open a newspaper or turn on the TV, I would read a news article about Filipino's domestic helpers, even tourists in Hong Kong subjected to discrimination and hate. Workers being fired, some subjected to physical violence.
However our OFW's persevere out of fear. They have families to feed and going back will not ensure them a secure employment.
I was outraged more on the immaturity of some of the Pinoy officers taking souvenir shots of the crime scene.
REALLY!!!!???? %%#!#$ REALLY???!!!!How would you feel if your family was massacred and people decide to take group shots of the crime scene.
You F)*)$$$ yes thats my thought about that.
As much as I am proud to be Pinoy, I am ashamed of the several bad apples in our barrel.
The actions of those people already a spat to the face of the grieving victim's families. I can only imagine their pain.
And behalf to any HK nationals reading my blog/article.
We pray for the souls of your fallen, we share in your grief and offer our deepest condolences.But also we beg for your mercy to please not spite us. We are NOT all like Rolando Mendoza, nor the dim-witted officers that defiled the crime scene. We are just as outraged of this senseless violence that could have been avoided. And I am sure the Filipino public will call for proper Justice.
However there is a part of me that questions how come we Filipino’s are looked down upon so much in the world?
We are known for our Warm Hospitality
We have one of the most beautiful people born to our race. A mix of Kastilla, Malay and Chinese.
Great place to actually retire despite the misconceptions of most that were are ALL that crime ridden and such ( trust me there are WORST places than The Philippines when it comes to violence)
In a world riddled with moral liberties, often whitewashed with western culture, Filipinos continue to raise families with the morals and values of respect and love to elders. Something that many foreigners applaud us for.
We are considered as valuable people in the workforce. Pinoy's are known to be very industrious, hardworking and loyal to employers. Driven and goaled. focused and friendly, warm and loving.
As a country often riddled with massive storms and super-typhoons we learn from them an no matter what natural disaster topples us down, we Filipinos always get back at our feet.
And yet even with all these positives we are looked upon with racial hate. Out casted as a 3rd world minority to many.
When a Pinoy is a cause of a crime. The whole world gangs up on us. And yet when a foreigner kills/rapes another Filipino, or causes one harm. We barely get any sympathy from the world.
No support, no condolences, barely mentioned and worse no justice given sometimes to the Filipino victims. News regarding Pinoy injustice s often hushed and hidden to the point of obscurity.
We become the pun of Jokes in American TV shows and late night comedies.
Our women called whores, uneducated and nothing but gold diggers. As if any crimes against us is well deserved
ARE WE THAT UNWORTHY to the eyes of the world?
WHAT IF it was not Rolando Mendoza a Filipino that killed those 8 HK victims? WHAT IF it was one of their fellow countryman, or an American, perhaps a French or British national. Would HK and the world show as much hatred to our countrymen?
I believe not. Maybe because the above mentioned are super nations whose racial status are above the eyes of many.
Everyday in the news I see violence in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other parts of Asia. Yet why do I feel that our whole nation must suffer for this one man's crimes. Magnified and over exaggerated.
I say
BLAME MENDOZA, the individual, and yes blame our failed justice system. Our people are supportive to the Hong Kong families who demand proper justice. But please spare our people the persecution.
To my Hongkong readers, please pity them, they have families to feed, and have sacrificed so much for our country as well. Did they not serve you well? Did they not show you the warmth and loving smile of a true Filipino could be? Would you truly hate us just because of the color of our skin and one man's crimes?
We are not all Rolando Mendoza's
We are Filipinos. Cultured, Colorful, Loving, Morale, Dignified, Mixed. Oppressed yet Vigilant. God fearing. Thriving. Loving and Deserving of respect and Dignity
As I end this article.
I wish to the Hongkong Victims, Their Survivors and Families and CountrymenOur DEEPEST CONDOLENCES and Prayer to your loved onesAnd to my countrymen, Persevere my brethren and God be with us.