Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Time to take the Paparatzi’s off your List

Time to take the Paparatzi’s off your List

I learned again the hard way these past few days. About the whole choosing friends thing. I guess because I’m naturally friendly to most people, I trust people easily. Too easily for my good.

2x already people I met online has quoted me or rather misquoted me in things I say. The worse of course will be those things they can quote off the record or rather in simple chats or outside the word talks

I feel sad, in the sense some of these people are very popular, in some sense well respective people in the Philippine Online community.

Then I realized, that sometimes as humans err, they do things that are acts of selfishness. Makes you question

When you considered them as friends, do they consider you one as well?

On the time with the whole Hubalah of the URDR fights, I still keep weekly contacts via YM to some of the URDR and Freya people. May it be chats but most of the time them asking me random questions about Ragnarok Online stuff

The funny things is some of them I don’t even get along with. There was a former in RB, though I am still cautious, well make them 2, that I have butted heads with in the past. They are now Pming me every now and then, saying hi and in one case I had to help out on a non-RO problem. ( He needed to call some one like really long distance, I had free International Load so I lent him some of my free minutes, it was a emergency issue)

Its weird that those you have issues with in the past keep a certain level of respect to one another. And y greatest pride I would say, are for those who had a change of heart, old flamers now studious college students or workers. And there are those temperamental ones, who checks in their rage so that they would not react so rashly the next time.

But there are those that will use what ever information you may have for personal gain. A flaw I have. I talk too much. Really too much. I assumed that our friendship would protect any privacy I can confide in them. But rather feel used as later on seeing some of what I said, used on a negative purpose or personal purpose.

My bestfriend told me “ Just keep you mouth shut”

While good ol Goenitz say “ Time to take the Paparatzi’s off your List.”

I’ll have to admit, its going to be hard, the fact that on my own personal basis I keep most as good friends. But seeing that most don’t see me as one. ( SORRY FOR ME NOT BEING FRIENDSHIP MATERIAL)

I know my Christian friend will tell me to love my brothers and enemies as equal. No I don’t see them as enemies, though I just feel hurt and like that they would care.

This just doesn’t go with my job as a mod. IRL too I have friends I confide to that sad to say some actually rejoice on my bad/ sad experiences even go as far to gloat why they are happier than me or how sad my life is ( and yet I still am friends with them)

However I do count my blessings. I have Goenitz, I have PMT, My mod team despite our differences. My Best friend Dobs, Rene, Lum, KQ, Kamesh and others more that I can fully trust my secrets and they accept me for who I am and correct me in my bad ways with out discrimination. With no desire of personal gain, with an open heart and warm smiles

Now isn’t that true friendship :-)


Grey Colored Glasses said...

How about autograph seekers? :)

♥Jayne said...

Great post. My sentiments exactly regarding the friendship thing. Will you mind if I quote a few parts of this post in my blog [in Multiply]? :D God bless btw. ^^ And more power!

- Minerva Mnemosyne (of RB)

Nirvelli Sakray said...

Yes Minerva you can quote mine. :-)